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oh, hope you’ll get better honestly

Thanks for the concern!! :D Btw how is work going on the hypertext studio???


honestly forgot about it. i’ll be taking a break (school) until przerwa świąteczna (april 14-april 19)

Oh ok lol!! Its fine. Burnout happens a lot! You need a break. Stay safe and healthy!!! :D


tbh it’s not about burnout–it’s more about time.

oh!! :D



I am so sorry you're not feeling feeling well and I hope you recover soon. I enjoyed playing what you have. Movement feels smooth and predictable and I found no bugs.

If you wanted to keep working on this game, a good next step would be making the combos feel unique (i.e. spirit goes through walls, bull has charge movement, etc.).

Also please turn down the audio, it hurt me :(

Thanks for all the great feedback!!! Yess I am planning on adding extra features for all the combos and the music is very very bad. Should have just added either a mute button or just used some sort of premade music from the web. But really really happy that you had fun and you liked the movement!! :D


Get Well Soon